On Thursday 5th December members from Athena South East met at the Hydro for a delicious three-course Christmas Lunch.
Everyone enjoyed a game of “Tops and Tails” and participated in an online auction. Over £500 was raised at the lunch which is to be split between CRT and St Wilfrids as the chosen Charities for Athena South East.
Thank you to everyone who donated prizes for the auction and especially to the Hydro for the Afternoon tea donation and also the cost of one Christmas lunch!
We are so grateful for the support Athena provide the Trust. In October this year a group of ladies each walked 100 miles over the month to raise money for the Trust and a number of the group have also give up their time to help wrap prizes and set up our 2024 Masquerade Ball and Winter Wonderland.
The group is a huge support of the Trust and we are so grateful to have been part of their festivities. Thank you!